Reclaim Your Tru Smile!™ Schedule a Free Information Appointment. Call 1-(866) TRU-BRID (1-866-878-2743).



Get Every Single Answer About TruBridge™ You Want

1. Why is this dental restoration called TruBridge™?

The name TrueBridge signifies that this dental bridge procedure is the truest restoration of your original teeth, gums, jawline and mouth shape compared to any other dental bridge and implant. There is no artificial gumline or bone layer that adds bulkiness or weight and can deform the true shape of your mouth. Unlike traditional dentures, there is nothing covering up the natural palate on the roof of your mouth. TruBridge is truly a natural restoration of your smile and nothing un-natural is added to it as well as nothing is taken away.

2. Will TruBridge feel true to my mouth, face and tongue?

Yes! Unlike other full-arch restorations of top or bottom teeth, the TrueBridge procedure does not surgically remove or replace your gum ridgeline and gums, nor does it remove any of the (alveolar) bone in your jawline. By contrast, TrueBridge restores the ability of your original gum sockets to securely anchor the implants for your new teeth with the stability of your original roots. We call this the TruRidge Preservation System. The custom-crafted Zirconia TruBridge feels and functions just like your natural teeth. You will feel as if you never lost your teeth in the first place. This is not the case with other bridge implants like the All-on-Four™ implants. TruBridge stands apart — and stands alone.

3. How many appointments are required to complete the TruBridge and TruRidge process?

After your initial consultation, you will be scheduled for your first treatment appointment. You will then receive a full set of temporary or provisional teeth following the atraumatic extractions of your non-restorable teeth. The permanent installation of your socket-sized implants will be scheduled for approximately 10-14 weeks after your socket tissue has progressed through a period of regeneration. A follow-up appointment for initial maintenance will also be scheduled at that time. Of course, if you ever require attention or adjustments at any time during the process, extra visits can be scheduled at no extra cost.

4. How many different dental offices or labs will I need to visit?

The TruBridge/TruRidge Dental Restoration process all takes place under one roof. We own our own state-of-the-art Dental Lab so we are able to oversee every part of the Zirconia tooth replacement process first-hand and can maintain the highest standards of precision craftsmanship and quality assurance. We are there from start to finish!

5. How many dental implants will support my new TruBridge?

TruBridge is placed on 4 implants for each arch. These may vary in specific circumstances as determined by Dr. Lincoln.

6. Do patients need bone-grafting to support the dental implants?

The TruRidge Preservation process virtually eliminates the need for bone-grafting in most patients, however, it can be applied as needed for patients with extreme bone-loss.

7. How long will I be without teeth?

You will never be without teeth as new teeth are placed immediately after atraumatic extractions.

8. Will I have a temporary Bridge prior to my final bridge?

Yes. The temporary Bridge you receive after your implants are placed is called a Provisional. You are free to go home and rest immediately after implant placement, so you don’t need to wait in the dental office.

9. How soon after the Provisional Bridge will I get the final TruBridge?

You’ll wear your TruBridge Provisional Bridge for 3 to 6 months while your implants stabilize and you become perfectly accustomed to a full-arch of teeth and gums.

10. What materials are used in making my TruBridge?

Your TruBridge final bridge is custom milled from a solid piece of IPS e.max ZirCAD Prime (“Zirconia”). It is hand-crafted to your unique smile specifications and natural looking color shades are permanently absorbed into the bridge prior to furnace curing and final polishing.

11. Will TruBridge ever become discolored or attract and retain odors?

Zirconia is non-porous, so it doesn’t stain, discolor, or retain odors. You care for this bridge just like natural teeth. Other bridge materials such as acrylics with porcelain denture teeth attract both stains and odors.

12. Will TruBridge attract plaque and harmful bacteria?

Just as Zirconia is resistant to stains and odors, its non-porous nature doesn’t attract plaque (and the harmful bacteria that breeds in plaque buildup).

13. What is the chance that my TruBridge will chip, crack or break and need to be replaced?

The zirconia material is so strong that it would not break under normal use. Other dental materials, such as acrylic, porcelain, resins do break but zirconia does not break under normal use.

14. Will TruBridge weaken or wear down from chewing and talking?

Your TruBridge Zirconia final bridge is not only extremely resistant to chipping, cracking and breaking – Its industry-leading durability shows no weakening or wear from chewing and talking, even in patients who grind their teeth.

15. What’s the chance that I will develop an infection under my Bridge?

Infections are caused by bacteria. The fact that Zirconia does not attract plaque and harmful bacteria means there is minimal risk of developing an infection caused by the bridge.

16. Why is it important to use "atraumatic" techniques for teeth extraction?

The atraumatic extraction technique is a crucial component of the ridge preservation process. By following this technique, which we regard as the TruRidge Preservation Process, the quantity and quality of bone will be preserved, along with the gingival architecture. This will ultimately lead to more natural and predictable implant positioning into the former tooth socket as well as zirconia bridge placement.